Bundesgymnasium und Realgymnasium Erlgasse 1120 Wien, Erlgasse 32-34, 01/813 91 82 – 0

Last shelter by Igor Hauzenberger

On January 29th the classes 6B and 8A went to the cinema in Spittelberg called “Stadtkino” and watched the movie “Last shelter” directed by Gerald Igor Hauzenberger. The movie is a documentary about the situation of refugees in Austria.
A camera team follows 63 refugees from various countries on their journey between 2012 and 2015.
The refugees live in the Votive Church for a long time and go through a lot of traumatic events like hunger strike and demonstrations. They want to get attention from the government because they have to wait too long until they know whether they are eligible for asylum or not and do not have work permissions. At the end, some of them achieve their aim and now they have a better life here in Vienna.
After the movie, its director and one of the refugees, Shajahan, came to talk with us and answered our questions. We liked the film very much even though it had a sad and serious topic. We really could feel the refugees’ emotions because they talked really honestly and openly about their lives and feelings.

Victoria Kamenik and Djellza Ballabani 6B